4 Steps To Get Your Home Ready for Spring
Spring is finally here, folks! However, the blossoming flowers can’t hide the fact that you’ll need to prepare your home for the warm weather ahead. Here’s a four-step checklist that will ensure your spring cleaning goes beyond the closets and living spaces.
1. Check Up on Your Safety Equipment
The quality of your safety equipment can mean the world in an emergency. As such, you will want to make sure everything is in working condition at least twice a year. Replace all the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. You will also want to dust or vacuum these sensors to make sure that they are operating at peak performance. Even the tiniest bit of blockage from dust or lint can keep them from going off in an emergency. Lastly, check that your fire extinguisher is up to date and easily accessible. These little things may seem trivial, but they could mean all the difference for the safety of your family and home.
2. Deep-Clean Major Kitchen Appliances
You may clean your kitchen often, but deep-cleaning your refrigerator and freezer isn’t exactly on the weekly to-do list. Before you start, be sure to turn off your fridge through the surge protector or fuse box. This will allow you to dust the coils and use a vacuum attachment on hard-to-reach places, without complications. You will then want to defrost your freezer, and scrub the inside with a solution of 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 quart of hot water. This is a simple, cheap, and effective cleaning solution that will work wonders. You should notice the shimmer almost instantly as your freezer begins to look like new once more.
3. Tidy Up the Bathroom
Like your kitchen, the bathroom is a room that might not get the spring-cleaning love it deserves. First thing’s first, gather up and dump all those old beauty products that are sitting around. Secure them in a plastic bag and keep them away from small children and animals in the disposal process. You will then want to make sure your first aid kit and medicine cabinet are neat, tidy, and up to date. After that, break out the rubber gloves and deep clean the drains, walls, and anything else that may have been neglected over the winter months.
4. Take Stock of Your Air Conditioning Unit
Your air conditioning unit will take on a heavy workload as the weather warms up. Before those temperatures really start to rise, you’ll want to make sure that your filters are in good shape. While the typical AC filter can last three to four months, it’s best to check up on it monthly. Similarly, most air conditioners have a drainage hole at the base of their cabinet. You will want to make sure this hole is clear so the AC can work properly. Using a paper clip or wire to poke through the hole and clear potential blockage is the best way to do this. Most importantly, schedule an AC tune-up with SameDay to make sure everything is in top shape for the summer months.
Getting ready for spring doesn’t have to be a chore anymore. When you need an expert for an AC tune-up or other HVAC service, be sure to call the pros at SameDay Heating & Air. To learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a call at (801) 726-3329 or contact us online.