5 Little Known Facts About Air Conditioning
There’s a lot to know about air conditioners ; how they work, how to fix them, etc. But there’s also a lot of interesting facts and stories that go with their history. Here’s a few things you might not have known…
Fact 1
Two of the first full ventilation systems were installed in Cornell in 1899 and the New York Stock Exchange in 1903. Cornell needed a way to keep the cadavers cool within the dissecting rooms while the New York Stock Exchange wanted to keep their hundreds of stockbrokers from overheating.
Fact 2
One of the most trusted names in air conditioning is William Carrier. This brilliant man was so engulfed in creating his air conditioner that he left for a business trip with his packed suitcase. However, he later discovered that there was nothing in in the suitcase besides a lone handkerchief.
Fact 3
Did you know that the first United States president to have air conditioning in the oval office was Herbert Hoover? How much did he spend you might ask? A whopping $300,000 because it was purchased only a few months after the crash of 1929.
Fact 4
In-window air conditioners become widely popular in the 1940s, but were rather expensive. The average in-window air conditioner costed roughly $350. Doesn’t sound too bad, but that was 1940s money. Today, that would have costed you right around $3,500!
Fact 5
The first fully air conditioned home was owned by Charles Gates in 1913. He was an heir to a barbed wire fortune with a mansion in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, he never got to use it since he died on a hunting trip before the house could be finished.
There’s a lot to know about air conditioning and its extensive path paved through history. If your air conditioner ever malfunctions or needs to be serviced, contact the experts at SameDay Heating & Air. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at (801) 726-3329.